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Converts the robust effect size index (S) to Cohen's d using the formula from Vandekar, Tao, & Blume (2020).


S2d(S, pi = 0.5)



Numeric, the robust effect size index.


Numeric, the sampling proportions.


Returns an estimate of Cohen's d based on the RESI.


The pi parameter comes from the fact that Cohen's d doesn't account for unequal sample proportions in the population, but S does.

The default is set to a natural value 1/2, which corresponds to a case control design, for example, where sampling proportions always are controlled by the experimenter.

The formula for the conversion is:

\( d = | S * \sqrt(1/\pi + 1/(1 - \pi)) |\)


# fit a simple linear regression with a binary predictor
mod = lm(charges ~ sex, data = RESI::insurance)

# calculate t-value
t = summary(mod)$coefficients[2, "t value"]

# calculate RESI (S)
S = t2S(t, n = 1338, rdf = 1336)

# determine sample proportions
pi = length(which(RESI::insurance[,"sex"]=="male"))/1338

# convert S to Cohen's d
S2d(S = S, pi = pi)
#> [1] 0.1146287